Meet the founders – Hybrid Aeroplane Technologies
1- Can you briefly explain what your solution is all about? What’s unique about it?
A new way to fly. Absolutely safe and almost silent. Sustainable, ecological and dynamic – this is what the h-aero product family from Hybrid Airplane Technologies GmbH (HAT) in Baden-Baden stands for. The flight systems are powered by renewable energy sources and act as a carrier system for a wide range of sensors for various applications.
2- What’s the story behind your company? How was the idea for this business born?
The Idea comes out from 25 Years of R&D-Work the Aerospace Industry and the specific Research of the founder in the Lighter than Air Technology. Here we focus on small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle from the LTA Technology with small payload for different use cases such as e.g. Event Solutions, Education-Use, Cultural Heritage Support, Mobility Solutions.
3-Which is the challenge that your solution tackles, and how do you set apart from the other companies with similar solutions?
We as a Startup in the LTA Technology face an enormous figure of use Cases and Business Cases and we have to focus our activities on a small number of activities, as we do not have the resources yet, to play in more than 3-4 Markets.
4- What are your goals, and what’s the biggest challenge you are trying to overcome at this moment?
Our goal is to penetrate 3-4 Key Markets that match our Solutions. The biggest challenge at the moment is the huge amount of different requests for our products and to concentrate our R&D and Sales Power on the most efficient Markets.
5- What advice would you give to an entrepreneur trying to pave his/her way in the space sector landscape?
Have a clear idea where to focus and where not- if not you lose power in playing with everybody and winning any game.
6- About SUN, why did you apply?
SUN is one of the most efficient funding programs for startups and we are honoured to collaborate with it.